Friday, October 16, 2009

What I do with my bits and pieces. . .

I’ve been making lots of different things lately. Can’t wait to show you – in time. (Can’t spoil Christmas surprises!) Anyways, there is always some scrap of a supply left over that I just can’t get rid of. Or even – the templates for the mice that I cut out? Well what do you do with the pattern? I just can’t throw it away! I might want to make another! Well, I've been making some of these – picture and directions via Leo on the loose – Thank you!


I haven’t actually used her templates or anything – mostly I’m just using the idea! Frankly, mine don’t have to be cute. And they aren’t. I just cut some little folders to fit a shoebox and then I organize my heart out! It is a great way to use up that cardstock you bought and now wonder why – cause it’s ugly and nothing you’d really ever use! ha ha! You can validate your bad purchase with these! heh heh!! But, if I do need cute ones – these are the ones I’m printing out!!!

Have a good weekend and happy crafting!!!


  1. These are cute Kim. I'm going to have to look into something like that for a school folder, jewelry one and misc. for the junk I keep by my computer. Cool idea. Talk with you tomorrow. I posted pictures of our weekend if you get a chance to check them out.

  2. I love the idea too! And cool for not just throwing it away cause you're right, it does come in handy for something later on.

  3. I collect bits of cardstock for my wee houses. I am often tearing open packaging on things in my house, that I don't want to use yet, just so I can use the cardstock.


Thank you for your lovely comment!