Sunday, November 1, 2009

Branching Out…

So, I don’t think I’ve ever shown anything that I’ve soldered before.


Wow – was that hard to photograph!! These ornaments really sparkle – Martha Stewart glitter is AWESOME!! Anyways, I’m going to be making up a couple dozen of these for the craft fair. I can see I have to add a bit more to solder around the edges of this one – amazing what a camera can pick up. I’ve ordered more glass to be cut for me – they will measure 2” by 2”. This one is 2” by about 1.5”. I think I’ll like the square shape better. I ordered some more snowflakes too and am hoping that there are a couple small ones – I think this would be a cute pendant. I’d wear it. ha ha! Well, happy crafting!!

Oh – how was your Halloween? We had a great time – the kids trick-or-treated through the neighborhood as we handed out candy. We spent the evening with friends and neighbors – lotsa fun! Here’s a picture -


OK – you can quit laughing now!! (I’m in the cowboy hat with the yarn braids on the left!)


  1. Very neat Kim. I really like that, you did a great job. I bet you'll sell a ton of stuff at your craft show. Good Luck!!

  2. very nice! also love the patchwork bags

  3. Just checking how hard it is to post a comment - I've gotten emails saying it isn't working?

  4. Hey - I changed a couple things and it seems easier!

  5. I wish I knew how to solder. I love the idea of tiny little glass enclosed frames. Did you take a class to learn how?


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