Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The lost ornaments

I am still cleaning my bedroom. It wasn’t that messy/dirty – but I did say I’d touch everything and put it where it belongs Look at what I found -

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These are ornaments that didn’t make it onto my tree! My neighbor gave them to me when she moved. They are very old and are stamped Japan inside. Also, they are bells. Anybody know anything about them? In retrospect I am glad they didn’t make it on to the tree because it tipped over…I think they should have their own teensy weensy tree that sits in the hutch next year. Happy cleaning!


  1. I like them. You'll have to do the small tree or put them in your hutch.
    So cool Kim.

  2. A-DOR-A-BLE! Love the cross-eyed reindeer.


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