Monday, December 28, 2009


Are you tired? I sure am! Christmas was a lot of fun and not really over for us yet. Because of the snowstorm we had we never made it to our families homes yet. I don't know when that is going to happen. Next weekend is, of course, New Year's. We always have a party with an open invitation to family and friends to join us. Some years we have had quite a houseful and other years it's been pretty quiet - but we are always together. We play some games and eat a LOT of snacks!

Have you any New Year's Resolution ideas yet? I do. Last year I promised myself that I'd craft at least a little something every day. Even if it was just to draw a heart or a star or something. I really felt like pushing myself - no excuses. I've always felt that I've just never lived up to my full potential ya know? And maybe I never will - that's OK - it's the learning and the practicing on the way to my full potential that gets me all fired up! So I'll probably make the same promise to myself. I did keep the promise last year except for one day - my sister and her three boys came to visit and after they left I was - Just. Too. Tired. She has her hands full - they visited last night and by the time they left the youngest ate an ornament off the Christmas tree and the Christmas tree was on the floor. Really, I thought it was just very funny - cause I was expecting something to happen - and nobody got hurt and nothing got broken - so the humor could come through - guess you had to be there.

The other promise I want to make to myself is to touch every single thing in this house and put it where it belongs. The more I think about this the more scared I get. It's a good thing I have an entire year. I think it'll take that long at least! This means I have to find a "home" for everything. Get all the tablecloths together and give them a permanent home - that kind of thing. Pray for me - I need all the help I can get. I'll still be crafting - cause I just have to - and I plan to sew and make different things for storage etc... we'll see. It's going to be quite the journey!

Happy crafting! Have a great day!!


  1. Good luck with your resolutions. I know you can do them. For me I'm not sure yet. I'd like to lose weight but making a resolution for that just doesn't cut it. I'd like to get really organized but things don't always stay in their places. I'd like to try a new recipe each week so maybe that will have to be one. Something new, either food, cakes, cookies, candies, drinks something. I'd like to have one night a week for game night, that would be a good family one. you've got me thinking. I'll keep you posted on this.
    Happy New Years Kim. You are truly a huge blessing in my life. Thank you for all your words of wisdom, your thoughts, your kind words, your kicks in the butt when I need them. Mostly thank you for your prayers when I need them most. Love you Kim. You're a very dear, grand friend.

  2. Pray for me as well; these are similar goals I have for myself. I'm blessed with a wonderful husband who does almost all the housework. He just won't go near my craft room. I want to clean/organize it so I can be a more productive craftisan and not feel so cluttered. It's a huge step for me. Have a great day!


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