Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wooden Letters

So a while back I told my kids I was going to making them some of their Christmas presents. They said “Cool!” Really. They said that. I thought I’d get some fussing? – maybe they just know that they will still be getting what they normally get? Usually they open everything on Christmas Day – it’s all from Santa. By making them each just a little something they will get to open something on Christmas Eve, and it won’t get lost in the techno excitement. Here is one thing I’ve come up with – step one – cut out letter with scroll saw -

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step two – decorate!

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Lets see… one finished and b,b,y,D,e,v,o,n,G,a,b,e to go! Sheesh.


  1. LOVE THAT!! I can't wait to make mine!!! YEAH!! You are all too clever. slw

  2. So cute! I wish someone would decide to make my Christmas gifts. Maybe I should write Santa a letter.


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