Monday, February 22, 2010


004 006


Made another bucket with a zipper in the lining, and the “interfacing” is plastic canvas. It is adorned with this vintage doggy pin – I may have to make some more of these pins – isn’t it CUTE! My friend, Julie, gave me a bunch of vintage jewelry odds and ends…this bucket sits on my counter and holds all that random stuff that accumulates there. Then, if I’m really on the ball I empty it at the end of the day so it’s ready to hold more the next day…or I’ll just find myself making more and more buckets until my counter is covered with them…

1 comment:

  1. So. Stinkin'. Cute. You need to sell these...or do a guest tutorial on my bog, do a giveaway, and THEN sell them. You are a genius.


Thank you for your lovely comment!