Thursday, February 4, 2010


I moved the all the canning jars and the shelf. Uff da. That really was a workout. The wall behind the shelf is drywall and quite a while back I taped and spackled it – so today I hope to sand it…maybe add a coat of primer if the sanding comes out well.

So I needed a little treat after all that lifting and bending and carrying! I cut this out on my scroll saw, painted it, modge podged paper on it, stamped and embossed it, and put another clear coat of modge podge on. Ta da!

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It’s a reddish/pinkish paper – still wishing for sunlight…

Anyways, I got the pattern from Victorian Quilt Designs this “love” was designed to be an appliquĂ© and is part of a block-of-the-month series. Can’t wait to see what is next!


  1. That is so cool. You always do such a terrific job. I'm just going to have to go pratice and see what I can come up with.
    Keep up the great work Kim. Don't wear yourself out on doing the basement, take a break now and then.
    Talk with you in the morning.

  2. I'm proud of haven't stopped on your de-cluttering resolution. Good job. And the "love" is gorgeous. You always come up with the cutest things.

  3. very cute! I love it! Can't wait to come cut more this weekend....check out your gmail...I sent a pic of an outhouse.


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