Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thank you and Pay it Forward…



Thank you Julie for this lovely award!! Now I get to pass it on to 12 other bloggers – that’s hard. It’s a little like grade school when you had to pick for teams. (I’d always get very nervous, but I bet if they had a craft team instead of softball team to pick for I’da gotten picked a lot faster!)

Here’s the rules:

1) Put the logo within your blog or on your post
2) Pass the award onto 12 fellow bloggers
3) Link the nominees within your post
4) Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog
5) Share the love and link to the person whom you received this award from.

Tally's Place also gave me an award -


And with this award I have to tell you ten things that make me happy, I’m not listing crafting because that is a given and the rest are not listed in any particular order.

1. Reading a GOOD book!

2. Happy kids (no fighting)

3. Happy Hubbie

4. Music (80’s Hair Bands!!!)

5. Playing RockBand with my rockin’ fam’ and rad neighbors!

6. Church Hymns

7. Taco’s and Spaghetti (at the same time? SURE!)

8. My pets

9. Craft Blogs

10. Having my own home!

I thought this would be a good time to introduce you to some of my favorite blogs, and pass along the awards. The funny/weird thing is that some of them probably don’t even know I exist – but that’s how the blogging world word works! So, I’m combining the two – each blog gets both. Hey, let’s make it even harder and make me tell you why I’m picking these blogs -

UrbanCraft This gal always makes me laugh, and I find it very intriguing that she hasn’t told any friends or family that she has a blog! Maybe, maybe if I did this all over again that would be the route I’d take…

The Life of Riley Duh, Julie is only one of the bestest friends in the whole wide world!

Better After I LOVE seeing an ugly or useless item become beautiful and useful! And I love the format of this blog – lotsa pictures!

Ikat Bag This lady is also from Minnesota and I love how she uses knit. Knit fabric is a real challenge for me…it’s inspiring!

Tally's Place This lady only ever leaves the kindest comments…she can really brighten my day with her lovely comments. And her blog is very inspiring. While I’m a Christian, I’m not a LOUD Christian – I’d bet it has something to do with my Lutheran and Danish background…but I do like to see other Christians be loud…again, inspiring!

Crafty Storage Seeing crafty storage ideas and looking at other people’s craft rooms is my addiction. love, Love, LOVE!

Scherenschnitte (Say that fast five times!) Although other crafts have kinda taken over, paper is my first crafting love…I might stray…but I’ll always come back, and this lady gives me tons of inspiration!

Paper Crave Same reason as above – but instead of one blogger this blog showcases many, many artists and papers. sigh.

Hoppo Bumpo I just like this blog – she’s just a regular crafty gal with talent!

Poppy Lane I’m pretty new to following this blog – but it is sooo interesting to follow someone from such a different place! We have frigid temps here and snow and she has fresh berries! (Tasmania, Australia)

I’m going to stop here – I know Julie’s said 12, but I don’t think the blogging police will come to arrest me if I limit myself to ten – hehe! Thank you all and Happy Crafting!!


  1. I love you to pieces...you are one of the bestest bloggy friends I have and I thank GOD that He has brought you into my life. Have a wonderful day.xxoo

  2. Thank you so much Kim. I am the lucky one, really!!! Thank you for your support, I couldn't do 1/2 of what I do without you. Love you girlfriend.


Thank you for your lovely comment!