Thursday, July 1, 2010


Uff-da what a trip! The kids and I, along with my mom, went to Oklahoma to visit my father (he’s working there). I just don’t see him often enough…we had a great time. Round trip was 1,848 miles and we only had ONE emergency potty break! We were on the road from 5:30 AM to 9:30 PM. I don’t want to go anywhere in a vehicle for a long time, if I can’t bicycle to a place it’s too far away! hehe!

Now, I know Enid, Oklahoma isn’t a real hoppin tourist destination…but we found some pretty fun things to do! On Saturday we went to the Great Salt Plains and dug for selenite crystals.



I should have had my camera on a different setting…oh well. The salt plains are white – it looked/looks like a snow/ice-covered lake! Only… it was 105 degrees. (That’s me in the pink hat) I’m proud to say we didn’t get sunburned. This crystal is the biggest one I found. Most of the others were slivers compared to this.  I think it is awesome!!! I really wanted to go back for more – the thrill of the hunt was sooo much fun. My boys are natural born diggers and also had a fantastic time.

We also went to Oklahoma City to visit the science museum. Wow. They have a GREAT museum there. There were tons of hands-on things for the kids to do and try. If it was closer we’d be there often!

What else did we do? Well, of course, I visited the thrift stores in Enid. While I was there I wanted to take some pictures for Thrift Store Horror. I couldn’t find any!!! I’ll be posting about that experience on Thrift Store Horror soon. :) But one thing I did find was a sweet silver ring. I dug in the dollar bin and although it was black I figured it was really silver. I cleaned it using the salt and foil method and it worked great!!! I’ll get  a picture up later, but it is very delicate and sweet.

While I really didn’t want to leave my dad I really did want to get back to my hubbie and our life. It was wonderful to come home again. I don’t leave very often… and I think it is a great idea to get away once in a while. You have new experiences, make memories, sweat and explore… and appreciate home all over again. Walking through my front door was like, well, like coming home again!!

PS: I can’t wait to get back to crafting – I said  to myself that “after the garage sale there will be time” – nope had to get ready for Oklahoma. OK…”after Oklahoma there will be time” – nope it’s the 4th of July this weekend! What will pop up next? Happy crafting!!


  1. I missed you so much. I am glad you had a great time and got to be with your daddy. I am going to love hearing all about your adventures.
    Now it's onward and upwards to your 4th gathering and then just maybe it'll quiet down for some crafting time. I'm missing crafting too.
    Take care Kim and so glad to have you home.

  2. 1,848 miles and only one break? don't want to go a trip with me:)
    Glad you had a great time with your family.Have a wonderful holiday weekend:)

  3. Hunting for anything rates high in my book. I love the crystals. jan


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