Monday, December 6, 2010

Felted bowls and organization tip


First the organization tip. Remember this white cabinet I found? Well, in the summer I clear out all the winter gear and put summer supplies in it and in the winter I clear out all the summer gear and put winter items in it. Here it is. The box labeled “bags” is full of library bags. The middle basket holds Abby’s hat, mittens, and scarf. The box on the right is stuffed with scarves and gators. The green basket on the bottom is labeled “hats” and the wooden bin is full of misc gloves and mittens. We have that many hats and mittens! The teal tub on the top of the cabinet holds library books. We get so many we’ve outgrown the bags. (Guess I’ll have to move them!) So aside from labeling everything better this is a system that works! Well, it’s worked for about two weeks…but that is a HUGE improvement. If the outdoor gear is wet it gets hung up on this blanket rack which is then stationed over a heating vent.


The bin on top of the dresser that you can just barely see holds dog leashes. The drawers hold my winter gear and my husband’s winter gear. Then in the spring it will hold all the winter gear. I don’t want the drawers to be opened and shut 50 times a day because it is a very old dresser – and the drawers were always hanging open and pushed in wonky. It was just easier to move the stuff than to deal with it all the time.

And here is what I’ve been working on over the weekend!!!




These felted bowls were fun to make! Then I dyed the green one and the blue one using food coloring and the microwave. I’m addicted. Functional art is always a thrill! I want to further embellish them but will have to wait until they are thoroughly dry and I can come up with an idea. I’ll link up to the tutorials I used some other time.

Happy Crafting!!!

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