Monday, March 14, 2011

Paper Birthday Banner…

I had a surprise birthday party for my hubbie this weekend…we had a blast! In the end there were about ten of us who stayed up and danced…in our garage (where the birthday party was held) all night long. We did the two-step, the three-step, the swing, the electric slide…and good old fashioned rock-n-roll dancing. Fun, fun, FUN! I forgot to take any pictures of the garage…and the after pictures aren’t anything special…but here is an idea of my decorating…


Black, white, and green balloons blown up and hung in clusters of about five on the ceiling and from corners of shelves…


I covered the shelves with drop cloths…I pounded grommets into the top of the drop cloths and tied them to the tops of the shelves. Then used this bead garland to hang my banner…


This darn banner took me five hours to make…FIVE HOURS! I cut everything out by hand. After the first hour I thought “Boy, this is taking a while.” After the third hour I thought “I have too much time invested in this and I’m not gonna stop now” After the fifth hour I thought “I’m never going to do this again!” . (But I probably will…it really looked neat.)

Now, I’m going to clean, clean, clean…spring is almost here…we are going to have some nice weather this week (not freezing anyways)! Have you started your spring cleaning yet?

Happy Crafting!!


  1. Sounds like a very fun party! Is your garage unheated? Now there's a great way to make sure everyone dances - make sure they're chilly! :D j/k I like the banner - all good things take time.

  2. I'm so glad it all came together for such a wonderful party. You have such a creative mind, I love all that you come up with.
    Take care Kim and tell Grant happy birthday for me. Blessings my friend.


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