Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fever induced sewing frenzy

I haven’t been feeling very well. I swear I’ve had a fever cause I’m running hot and cold. And I’m not sure what else could have made me tackle this sewing project. ha! Truthfully, I have a love hate relationship with sewing. I love sewing something up and having a unique finished product, but I hate cutting things out. I hate measuring… I hate it when stuff doesn’t turn out. I’ve been wanting to make new curtains for the bathroom forever – but I’ve been lazy and putting it off -I’ve had the fabric for months. But I don’t have a big cutting table – (gotta get the basement done and use that ping-pong table – anyone know how to put a removable cutting surface over it?) With Abby’s confirmation coming up I guess it was just time to tackle it. I also decided to try my hand at rick rack. I’d never worked with it before. I called my mom and asked for advice, and she told me, and it made sense, and then I hung up the phone and couldn’t put anything she said together in my head. (I think it was the fever.) So I went online for a refresher course and I thought this tutorial was good. The first couple bands of rick rack are far from perfect, but the last couple bands look pretty good. I also lined the curtains with some plain white fabric for more insulation and to keep the sun from fading them too fast. Have a look!

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I think I have to topstitch across the top and bottom for a more finished look – we’ll wait for the next fever! Happy crafting!


  1. Looks wonderful. I'll have to come over and see it in person. You did a terrific job.

  2. I think it looks great! slw


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