Friday, October 2, 2009

Tablecloth Redo

My mom came to visit a while ago and gave me this tablecloth – saying “I don’t know – maybe you can do something with this?. . .” All kinds of ideas came to mind! I could make napkins, placemats, aprons, towels? I went with towels – mine are in BAD shape – I needed some. This tablecloth was perfect as it had been washed many times, and was 100% cotton. Yeah! So, I cut it into nine towels. No measuring –I just kinda eyeballed it and used a good sized towel as a template (I like a good sized kitchen towel)  gotta love a straight plaid!! Then I hemmed the edges. Nothing fancy – just straight line stitching.

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Then I decided to try my hand at freezer paper stenciling. If you’ve never done this before you HAVE to try it! It is instant gratification and so easy! I thought this tutorial was really good – check it out if you want to try. The hardest part was deciding what design to put on the towels. For one I went with a bird – and for another a flower.

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I LOVE my new towels and I’m looking for more ideas to stencil – I’ll keep the others unstenciled until inspiration strikes!

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Here’s a close-up of the stencils – you can see what clean lines you get – no smudging!

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Happy crafting!!


  1. They look terrific! I especially like the bird.

  2. Freezer paper stencils! I love it! I was just looking at some old fabric and going "I'll never be able to make anything with this." This opens up a world of new ideas. Way to go on repurposing an old table cloth. Your mom sounds just like mine, she sends me everything "maybe you can do something with this?" And most times, I can not.

  3. those look great! I've been meaning to try that sometime... must just go do it!


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