Monday, November 30, 2009

Sparkly Cardinal

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Here is another version of the dove. It is a sparkly cardinal instead! Here is the template -

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I know it isn’t fancy, but this is my real life and a representation of how I do things. As you can see I took the original sparkly dove pattern and changed the wing just a bit and added a pointy head. Easy peasy. Happy crafting!


  1. This is so cool Kim. Can I have one for Christmas? I know, I can make it myself but you do such a great job.
    Thanks for sharing your crafting ideas.
    Talk with you tomorrow.

  2. Wow Kim this is supa cute - am guessing this is your first item in the Christmas Challenge? I look forward to seeing what you and the others make - am sure it is going to both inspire and motivate me to create more this Christmas.


Thank you for your lovely comment!