Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Marshmallow Madness and an Ear Bud Wrap

Those two things don’t really go together do they?! I made marshmallows for the first time the other day! I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. I didn’t have a candy thermometer at the time so I brought the sugar mixture to the hard ball stage by dropping a tiny drop into cold water and then checking if it was hard yet still a bit pliable. It worked! I have bought a candy thermometer since then because I think it will be so much easier to just read the temp then do all that guessing. I used this marshmallow recipe (after reading about it on Angry Chicken – who’s marshmallows are so much prettier than mine) and I really like them – they will be sooooooo good in hot cocoa.

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This is about all that is left from the first batch – they go quickly! Today will be some sewing. I have a lot to finish up! Yesterday I also made this – this is not my photo – I wrapped them up before I could take a picture – click on the picture to be taken to the site for directions and a pattern.


I cut out three of them with my scroll saw and left them plain – I asked the kids if they would like a present that was plain and that we could decorate together after Christmas. They were really enthused about the idea! I can’t wait to see what they have in mind – I’m thinking of paper – like the letters I did earlier.

Well, Happy Crafting – and don’t lose your mind trying to get everything done!


  1. You might just be a little bit crazy. The marshmallows look yummy and I'm sure the kids will have a great time personalizing their ear bud wraps.

  2. I still think the ear bud thing looks like an owl. Really cool idea though.
    I've also gotta try the marshmallows. Thank you for sharing.
    Take care, talk with you tomorrow.


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