Saturday, March 28, 2009

Remember the new curtains I sewed for the kitchen window? Well, they are still working out just great! My only complaint was that I always had to fuss with them when I wanted them open or closed. Like, I'd swag them open and they would separate in the center and then when I wanted them closed I'd have to pull the top shut every time. Just a little thing but it bothered me. The less fuss the better, ya know? So - since I have a wonderful collection of pins that never get worn (cause who wears fancy pins while wearing their painting clothes?) but are still much loved . . . anyways, when I pinned one to the very top of the curtains they didn't move around. Phew - lotta words for such a simple thing! Have a good rest-of-the-weekend!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I like that, cool idea and pretty too. Looks like a pin my grandma use to wear. Good job!!

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