Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kiddie Mail Swap

Here is a great idea!! I am going to sign up a kid or two! I think my kids will be very excited to get mail – especially mail from another country! My youngest has always been fascinated by “where things come from” – country wise – this will really thrill him. I only wish it was open to adults. lol. Please go check it out – could be a lot of fun! Thank you Pigeon Pair!


Julie said...

I signed us up but not sure if they'll go for a small daycare or not but it's worth a try. Maybe there's another daycare would be interested. Went to Rachel and Abby's dance, I cried of course but boy have they grown and it is amazing just how much they learn from the beginning to now. WOW!!! I'll see you about 11:00 tomorrow. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I signed both the boys up today!!! slw

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